Paul Davids: How to Make It Sound Good
YT insights on how to make it sound good:
Secondary Dominant
Lead between two chords, using the “V” position of the chord you are leading to.
Count 5 steps up from the root of the chord you are heading to.
Example: bottom row is the chord to end with, led by the secondary dominant in the middle row
Take one of the notes in the key and replace the base note of the chord root (~lower E string?).
Added color, add a note(s) to a chord
e.g. add9 (ninth position of root)
Or add an open string
Pedal Notes
A note that is played through all notes
Similar to power chord where the shape is moved—open string or common bass note
Borrowed Chords
Example: if playing in the key of C-major, borrow a note from C-minor