🫘 Seeds

I swore I would not attempt to grow seeds again, until my last attempt of Cork Bark Elm and Larch actually germinated.

Japanese Hornbeam (Carpinus Japonica):

  • Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours

  • Stratification: warm stratify for 60 days, cold stratify for 90 days

  • Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed

Japanese Black Pine (Pinus Thunbergii):

Japanese Red Pine (Pinus Densiflora):

  • Oct 2023 germinated and many sprouted after cold stratification. Planted in sand:gravel:peat.

  • Seed experience:

Black and red pines do, however, benefit from brief stratification. Stratification can be achieved by refrigerating seeds before planting. Place the seeds in a plastic bag with a moist paper towel or some shredded white sphagnum moss to preserve humidity.

I typically leave black pine seeds in the refrigerator for about a week and red pine seeds for 1-3 weeks. I’ve found the stratified seeds sprout faster and more consistently than the non-stratified seeds by a wide margin – try it and see how it works for you. β€”Jonas D

  • All but 2-3 seeds sank with scarification, but included them (but will not expect them to germinate). Pine seeds will cold stratification for 2 weeks.

Second round Cork Bark Elmβ€”cold stratification and seedlings as early as July 9. Potted 4 and placed in a partial shade. Returned unsprouted seeds to the mini-fridge. Potting soil below, filter coupon then soil on top 1/2” to encourage lateral growth. Will trim tap root later and repot again in a month.

Cork Bark Chinese Elm

Jan 2025