Backyard Nursery, Union City

Craigslist /Farm & Garden listing:

I found a backyard gardener in Union City California that offers young plants at extremely affordable prices. John can be reached at (925) 413-6332 to confirm if he’s home.

  • 5 gallon plant is $5

  • 1 gallon plant is $3

  • 4 inch plant is $2

He had California (Coast) Live Oaks, Ash, Privet and Contoneaster.

He only had 1 gallon and 4” of these trees, Ash larger than others—but for that price it only takes light, water and time to beef them up. I purchased ten 1-gallon and two 4” for a total of $34.

Besides growing out on the back bench, can experiment on planting conditions or “Cosmic Bonsai” of the fast growing Ash, they also make great club raffle items. Eventually wore or clip and grow, and select out the best to keep and remaining to share with others.

gardenMichael Weinursery