🌱 Cork Oak Germination

November 10, 2024 collected Quercus Suber acorns

Cork Oak Seed Germination

With cork oak, it’s simple enough. Here’s how to germinate their seeds:

  1. Soak cork oak acorns in water for 2 days, any acorn that still floats after that time are no good, discard them.

  2. Fill pots almost to the brim with peat-free compost.

  3. Make sure your pots have drainage holes in the bottom.

  4. Plant one acorn per pot, at about 2 cm deep.

  5. Protect the pots from predation! Mice, and squirrels love acorns. Covering with fine wire mesh will work.

  6. Keep soil moist, cover and avoid placing in direct sunlight.

  7. They should germinate within one to two weeks.


Nov 14: Planter box, aggregate mix and soil. Covered with chicken wire screen.

Nov 12: Two acorns individually potted in potting soil & aggregated mix, starting on a heat mat.

Dec 2024 prior oak sprout

Michael Wei