πŸŒ±πŸ”΅ Taxus Yew, #2421

Yew (Taxus, Taxaceae), 7/29/24: Local volunteer, $10 for a two year-old sapling about 3ft.

Added some trunk movement and twist early, hoping that eventual thickening will show the benefits of texture.

Dec 2024 repot into a grow box with high drainage soil

Next Steps

  • Fertilize occasionally 0-10-10 in winter and 14-14-14 in the growing season.

  • Don’t worry about branches, but ensure that a potential primary branch allowed to grow long and not shaded out near the trunk.

  • Attempt to grow cuttings for approach grafts for roots, if ever needed. Or to make complex tortuous base, like a reverse clump. Or to develop a clump base for a new tree.

Next growing season, feed and water. Once girth bulked up, identify where the primary branch may be (1/3 final height) and chop for taper.

While the trunk thickens and twists, target an ideal shape/size/color pot to make or buy.

Oct 2024

After only 1.5 mo, the wore bit in 1/2 way, so I removed and tied movement to the stake.

Lowered some branches, but this is all primary trunk growth and movement.

I have many years to grow, but a desirable species to grow in ground or deep nursery pot.


Michael Wei