2024 Goals
Buy fewer [no more] young trees, seek mature pre-bonsai, 1 good pre-bonsai from SBBK Show, 1 good tree from the Green Elephant.
Japanese White Pine
Blue Atlas Cedar
Grow out seedlings (anything smaller than my pinky)—up pot or grow in ground, or perlite mix—but ignore them for 1-2 years.
Back bench small trees and cuttings and seedlings. Off the main bench and off the pan k patio. Cut out big ferns to make space. Position Redwood & Douglas Fir yamadori into the garden, off the patio.
Collect more trees from the wild (Grace)
Refine collected Redwoods & Douglas Firs
Develop current JBP collection
Develop current Trident collection
Create a forest in pot or slab.
Style or Shari San Jose Juniper and Itoigawa and Shimpaku
Make bonsai pottery
Clean up benches, gift away extra trees
Attend a clinic or observe workshops (lacking trees)