Infographic References

Please Note:

  • These are public summarIes of data, statistics, and trends. Consider the sources, and Caution that numbers or trends often do not illustrate the range (I.e. minimum or maximum) but the average.

  • Data varies over time, and some data may be old—while the relative differences between options may reflect past or current conditions. Salaries and job OPPORTUNITIES vary by geographic region, where career specialities may be located, and cost of living.

  • What these trends fail to appreciate are WHAT YOUR talents and passions are best suited in a career that brings you joy. These factors should be considered in pursuing a specific line of study or EVentual career.


Questions about infographic

  • What data or trends were most interesting?

  • Don’t let this be discouraging if your desired career is not the highest average salary, this is just to make you informed of past trends. Again, continue to explore what talents and passions you have relative to career options that may closely match. Consider where you may consider living & working, the relative job opportunities and cost of living.

  • Give yourself grace that your first job is likely not your single life-long job, and one job leads to another. Your roles and skills may grow and career opportunities may expand or pivot to another.