Fidelity Monte Carlo
From Reddit
“Fidelity retirement analysis tool gives three outcomes through the rest of your life and is based on the asset allocation of all the accounts you build into the model.
“If you have 90 percent of your net worth in stocks but have 10 percent in cash, it is assuming that you will rebalance and keep that same asset allocation indefinitely. Remember this when you are assigning accounts to your goal overall.
“Second, fidelity gives out three key metrics at the end of your plan in the assets project tab.
Significantly below average Below average Average
Significantly below average means that out of 100’s of simulations in 9/10 of them you would get this result or better.
Below average is 7.5/10 results will be this or better
Average means 5/10 times you will get this or better.
“With that being said, most people that use the tool do not properly update investment holdings per account so make sure you go back into your account tab and check the holdings for each of them.
“Fidelity will also have an advisor go over it with you for free if you have any questions. They may try to recommend a managed account though, which you may or may not be interested in. (Most likely not).
“There are plenty of other tips and tricks with this tool. It is not as robust as projection lab but simpler to update and can be done in real time if you have your accounts at fidelity.”