🫘 Cork Bark Oak from acorns
On a walk near upper Hiilsdale Road, San Mateo, a gorgeous old Cork Bark Oak stood. Found acorns on the ground to plant. Attempting a hardwood branch cutting—but reports are said to be hopeless. Grow from acorns is easier, they say.
Quercus suber
The soil should be acidic, since the tree's leaves yellow in alkaline soil. [sandy]. You can grow cork oak trees by planting acorns if you can't find a seedling plant. Young cork oak trees grow slowly and require regular irrigation. As the trees mature, they become drought tolerant.
Jonas Dupuich—Cork Bark Oak development and budding new growth.
Branch hardwood cutting. Not optimistic based on others’ reports—but hormone, pumice:potting soil mix, humidity bag. Wrong season (fall)—a gamble.