πŸ‘ Redcurrant, #2434

Ribes triste: Collected Dec 2024, vigorously budding and ground layering.

May result in one or two good bases for Shohin material and many cuttings to give as Kusamono Material.

Given the elongated movement in the vine-trunk and self-ground layering, I may plant in a grow box to preserve the ground layering.

May bulk up the primary base, encourage budding & branching close to the base. Use a wire-tourniquet to wean off the primary roots and bulk up the ground-layering. Use a support stake to stabilize roots and structure the new apex.

Take cuttings and air-layer apical branches for shohin or mame material.

How it actually went down…

  • Was too big for the grow box on hand to keep intact. Possibly should have been patient and made a longer box.

  • Base roots looked good and cut above buds & small branches. Shared the ground layered roots in the opposite corner of the box, encouraging the roots to develop to support the many finer branches.

  • If nothing else, when warmer I will take more cuttings. If fully recovered I will attempt air layers of branches not desired for a small shorter tree.

Early wiring of movement prior to cutting or air-layering in spring

Cuttings Jan/Feb 2025 (Hormone)

[Google Lens, based on the leaves] Ribes triste, known as the northern redcurrant, swamp redcurrant, or wild redcurrant, is an Asian and North American shrub in the gooseberry family. It is widespread across Canada and the northern United States.

Once they are healthy... They push 4 flushes throughout their 'shorter" growing season, and are tough as nails.
Learning the natural rhythms of the species, any species, is important.

BonsaiNut https://www.bonsainut.com/threads/flowering-red-currant.57095/

…the following seems true so far.
1. they respond well to collection. Roots thrive in pure pumice.
2. They are fast growers and can be pruned more than once throughout the growing season. Extension growth is rapid requires cut back to encourage side shoots. Plan to leave considerable space between branches and a bit longer internodes due to the growth factor. Just my thoughts, no reference material to rely on.
3. Pruning cuts appear to begin healing quickly.
4. Bark appears to age quickly showing an interesting mottled look.

Have learned this species does not heal pruning cuts very easily. Lots of dieback if not protected and sealed each time it is priced. Best to leave stubs and return. Hence I am trying a variety of approaches including liquid sealant and foil covering for good measure. Heavier aluminum wire for gentle bends. 3.5 mm.

Very prone to breakage when wiring, thus the gentle curves and heavier aluminum wire for broader surface area. Plus the bark seems susceptible to marking so requires more care in monitoring.

BonsaiNut https://www.bonsainut.com/threads/five-year-native-tree-native-pot-challenge-ribes-sanguineum-red-flowering-currant.54953/
