🌸 Plum (Yardadori), #2412 set

Santa Rosa Plum. Local neighbor (Burbank) sold mature budding roots of plum trees errant from his mother’s yard. White blossoms. $10 for about 4-5 rootballs. 2 sets. April 2024.

Minimal roots, and was sold in clay. Washed off clay, and potted in 1 gal to 5 gal pots, organic mix, and larger root base seated on a 6” diameter felt disk. 1 gal plants wired down to pots. For some, rooting hormone was sprinked on the meager rootbase. A ring of chopped sphagnum moss was applied around the base to encourage rooting.

For those fully recovered and growing a healthy rootball, can prune or manage nebari. Larger (previously pruned) root base can have fresh pruning and adding sealing paste & putty.

Feb 2025 early buds

Feb 26

Aug majority have foliage, early wiring—1st branch or new apex


Try the Dan Robinson "root enhancement" method of adding sphagnum moss and coning back to check on the tree to see if it induced fine roots. He reported success with this method with ponderosa pine and I know he had at least 1 yamadori Douglas Fir.