Blue Atlas Cedar, #2501
Jan 2025: Round Valley Nursery, $150.
Likes feeding & water
Gio repotted in a large terracotta training pot 50% akadama + 25% pumice, 25% lava.
Don’t comb through (need cool or humid in recovery).
Recommends using a sharp razor and lightly slice down to cut encircling roots—but don’t go crazy.
10 yr repot. Put in a pot and leave it in a deep pot.
Per Adam Toth to Gio, needs to percolate, needed to repot. Last April. Okay so far. Raked and removed ~40% but it will respond by yellowing or losing needles—normal. Keep in the shade after repot.
Don’t bare-root. Change over soil little by little each repot. All conifers.
Cannot grow by cuttings, but graft to Deodar Cedar roots or sapling. Match diameter and same angle cut, tape.
If you crack or break a branch. Tie it up with green nursery tape and the cambium will heal and over each year will lay down new wood over the break.
Raked, but did not need to remove much if any roots.
Large pumice on the bottom, normal mix, some charcoal, pinch of Mycorrhizae.
Watered, put in indirect light—will let soil come to dryness and not constantly wet.