Blue Atlas Cedar, #2501

Jan 2025: Round Valley Nursery, $150.

Likes feeding & water

Gio repotted in a large terracotta training pot 50% akadama + 25% pumice, 25% lava.

  • Don’t comb through (need cool or humid in recovery).

  • Recommends using a sharp razor and lightly slice down to cut encircling roots—but don’t go crazy.

  • 10 yr repot. Put in a pot and leave it in a deep pot.

  • Per Adam Toth to Gio, needs to percolate, needed to repot. Last April.  Okay so far. Raked and removed ~40% but it will respond by yellowing or losing needles—normal. Keep in the shade after repot.

  • Don’t bare-root. Change over soil little by little each repot.  All conifers.

  • Cannot grow by cuttings, but graft to Deodar Cedar roots or sapling.  Match diameter and same angle cut, tape.

  • If you crack or break a branch. Tie it up with green nursery tape and the cambium will heal and over each year will lay down new wood over the break.

  • Raked, but did not need to remove much if any roots.

  • Large pumice on the bottom, normal mix, some charcoal, pinch of Mycorrhizae.

  • Watered, put in indirect light—will let soil come to dryness and not constantly wet.