Monterey Cypress, #2429
Cupressus macrocarpa, Dec 2024, dig and take home, from Oakland. Yardadori.
In hindsight, this tree trunk is too big. This may be a tall tree, but it is about 5” wide. The grow box is 20”x20”, filled with original soil, added 1:1:1 mix—adding back some
They start out with conical excurrent growth habbit, then crown out and then shed anything that gets to long in the shade due to weak wood. Then they form more of a flat top style. I just love the idea of replicating my native environment.
Bonsai Nut
Feb 2025
Removed from bag two months after collection, given the rainy season. Looking healthy, but time will tell. Trimmed foliage more compact, removing any downward fronds or long vertical fronds. Thinned out to ensure lighting is even—some branches are too adjacent or crowded. May Jin or selectively prune later.
Style thoughts—many low branches to use or not. Would like to make a shorter cypress but the base is very large and if a new apex is to be developed, many upper branches should prune back to energize the apex. And should final branches be apically complex and more flat top (like a Monterey Cypress or Bald Cypress). If this were trained like a bald cypress, a trunk chop to a mid-level branch as new apex may offer taper—before branch work.
Angle trunk, observe nature for windswept (into or away from ocean wind?)—which direction to angle?
Should I select a new apex, chop for taper, and make it a shorter tree?
Collecting: sensitive roots, take as much of the rootball and don’t tease, mess with or bare root. It will not survive.
When the tree is home, can place the rootball (or within the bag with slits to keep the soil intact. May use a tub or use a tarp with the sides pulled up. Fill with water with rooting hormone and Super Thrive (for transplant shock) and soak for a night, then let drain.
Leave the original soil, put in a big grow box and fill around with sifted pumice.
Chop to your new apex lead and it will take years to heal. Bark is delicate and heals slowly. (e.g. wire bite or handling can scar the bark.
Seal cuts to prevent infection or disease as is susceptible of.
Difficult trees to keep, disease and die off is common.
Give it five years to heal and take a new leader. Can prune soon but do not wire yet. Leave foliage above the big chop to help healing over.
Potted, misted, bagged, on a heat mat. Huge soil mass, so doubtful that heat mat will help much, but evenings hit near freezing.
Could not seat the top roots below the soil (6.5”) so may ring fence and add more soil—or prune them.
Bonsai Mirai Styling & Repotting
Repot every two to three years in early spring before new growth begins. Make sure to use a very well draining substrate, of Akadama, Pumice and Lava rock in equal parts.
Water regularly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Place the Cupressus in a well draining, inorganic bonsai substrate.
The Cupressus requires full sunlight for the majority of the day, with good airflow to prevent fungal diseases. The Macrocarpa species is native to the coastlinesi of California and can withstand wind very well.
A Monterey Cypress does not readily back bud, meaning it generally does not produce new growth from old wood; if you cut back a branch too far on a Monterey Cypress, it will likely leave a bare spot as it does not develop buds on older wood like some other trees do.
First Primary branch on the sloping base side(?)