π¨ Munsell Color Theory
Munsell's color system allows for direct comparison of colors, based on the precision of Munsell's detailing of colors regarding hue, value, and chroma.
The Munsell color system is a system for organizing color that includes a color wheel to order hues, and a notation system for value and saturation.
Values range from 0 (black) to 10 (white).
Saturation ranges from 0 (grays) to 14 (pure colors).
Therefore, a YR-3-4 represents a dark (value 3) dull (saturation 4) orange, which we usually call brown. A Y-8-12 represents a pure (saturation 12) cadmium yellow, whereas Y-6-6 represents a duller yellow ochre (saturation 6).
The Munsell color wheel has ten colors. Its five primary colors are: red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The five secondary colors are named logically by combining the adjacent two names.
Hint: Number Values
For simplicity when painting I use 9 values from 1 to 9. This makes it easier to find a half-way value of 5 between black (1) and white (9). You can then divide those values half-way for 3 and 7, and divide those half-way for the rest of the scale. This is much easier than it would be to break the scale down into 10 even steps.
How to remember value notation
Please note that in this course when working with 9 values, we use the number 9 to represent white and 1 to represent black.
A good way to remember the value notation is the more light the bigger the number. 9 is bigger than 5 so it has more light. The smallest light you can have is a 1 β black.
Hint: Use the Munsell Color System Notation In Your Sketchbook
The abbreviations for colors in the Munsell color system. Values range from 0 (black) to 10 (white). Saturation ranges from 0 (grays) to 14 (pure colors). Therefore, a YR-3-4 represents a dark (value 3) weak/middle (saturation 4) orange hue, which we usually call brown. This is a quick and convenient way to record colors in your sketch books, when you only have a pencil.
Munsell Color System Tool
Here is a useful tool for playing around with the Munsell color system and getting to learn the colors.
Mixing paints using Munsell
Color IQ Test
Munsell Kit Exercise
I took a class with Linda Lum on color theory, using a Munsell paper kit.
There were the 10 grey values, from white to black. With a hole punch, we made a window in a coupon. Holding the value card over one of the many color samples we sorted them by values. Some were easy, some had to compare with adjacent value cards repeatedly. Regardless of the color or vibrancy, they were grouped by value.
Of those groups we stratified the colors from cool to warm.
So when painting or creating a representational work, based on a value studyβyou can select any color of the desired value, biased cool or warm to your desires.